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Differences between "SUDO" and "SU"

Differences Between “sudo” and “su”
Su (Switch User)
Sudo (Super user do)
“Su” requires root user password to switch
Note – sharing root user password is not recommended
“Sudo” requires current user password
Note – Sudo is better between the two as far as security is concerned.
“Su” can let a user to have new shell, It can allow user to run as many commands as user wants with root privilege until user exits the shell
Note – Giving full privileged to a standard user is not recommended, Sometimes user can forget the fact that they are working as root and might inadvertently make some irrecoverable changes,
“Sudo” can let a user to run single command with elevated(root) privileges,
It is not possible to directly trace what user was doing when they switch to root account
Change logs are recorded and tagged with sudoer’s username,

User can switch to any user with new shell without target user’s password. You can run the following command
# Sudo su

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